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Tax deductibility of TPD premiums - Column

By Victoria Young
2 minute read

MLC investment analyst Myooran Mahalingam has won the inaugural Investment and Financial Services Association (IFSA)/Deloitte Future Leaders Award.

MLC investment analyst Myooran Mahalingam has won the inaugural Investment and Financial Services Association (IFSA)/Deloitte Future Leaders Award.
Mahalingam clinched a round-the-world air ticket prize for his winning ideas on combating inefficiencies in the wealth industry.
He will spend four nights in New York where he will share his concepts with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu global investment management leader Garry Moody.
Wealth management professionals were asked to write papers presenting fresh ideas on several industry issues. Entrants had to be 30-years-old or younger and have the support of their chief executive officer.
"The program has allowed tomorrow's leaders to have their say today. As the issue of retaining and attracting talent is key for the wealth management industry, an award like this helps our members sustain and grow the skills and talent for their people," IFSA chief executive officer Richard Gilbert said.
Clearview senior financial adviser Michael Betts won the retirement incomes category and St George wealth management compliance manager Melanie Pulis clinched the life insurance award. Inefficiencies category winner Mahalingam was chosen as overall champion.
"Given that Einstein came up with the theory of relativity before he was 30, we thought we'd give our industry's young thinkers some encouragement," Deloitte partner Sarah Woodhouse said.