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Navigator adds 25 funds

By Victoria Young
2 minute read

Aviva adds 25 funds with a global focus to the Navigator platform.

Twenty-five funds with a global focus have been added to the Aviva platform Navigator via the personal retirement and personal investment plans.

The additions reflect advisers' growing interest in global share funds, investment in China and global property, Aviva research manager Stuart Fechner said.

The most niche fund added is the AV China Opportunities Fund managed by Schroders. It is a concentrated fund holding 15 stocks expected to benefit from growth in China.

"Conventional wisdom sees most China related funds having a focus on holding mainland China based companies.  This fund looks to invest in stocks listed on any of the worlds stock exchanges that are expected to benefit either directly or indirectly from the China story," Fechner said.


Five of the funds added to the personal retirement plan have been re-opened.