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AdvantEdge takes on cadets

By Victoria Young
2 minute read

MLC-owned financial planning hub AdvantEdge has recruited two cadet advisers.

MLC-owned financial planning hub AdvantEdge has recruited two cadet advisers.

Its Gateway team, managed by Justin St Baker, has 12 advisers who service superannuation fund members as part of their employee benefits program.

Clients include Plum Financial Services and MLC.

The team handles more than 1000 calls a week during peak times. It deals with simpler financial advice, such as debt management.

"It has been an amazing success. Members really value being able to speak to someone about their situation," St Baker said.

Members with more complex financial planning needs are referred to an external panel of top-end financial planners.

Gateway advisers have training twice a week and must complete the advanced diploma of financial services in 18 months.

The new recruits are Rosemary Lee and Jared Huynh.

Lee has two years' industry experience and formerly worked at a boutique practice in client services and paraplanning.

Huynh has more than four years' experience in financial services and previously worked at Citigroup.