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Planners give dealer top rating

By Victoria Young
4 minute read

Research shows Guardian planners believe the grass is not greener at other dealer groups.

Advisers at Guardian Financial Planning (GFP) are the happiest with their licensee when compared with 20 other dealer groups, an independent study has found.

GFP planners expressed a 97.6 per cent loyalty rate, compared to the industry average of 82.6 per cent.

In addition, 80.5 per cent of advisers felt a valued part of the GFP team, trumping the industry average of 61.5 per cent.

"We are pleased with the results because it is GFP advisers who know our internal processes, our vision and our strategy, and it is GFP advisers who have ranked Guardian at the top,"  Suncorp Wealth Management head David Carter said.


GFP rated their remuneration within the top quartile in the industry.

The level of support was also rated above average and the company came within the top three dealer groups in regard to product independence.

Financial services market research company Brandmanagement used an ATRACS Index in a poll of 1350 financial advisers.

The index gauged advisers' perceptions on dealer groups' autonomy, trademark branding, remuneration, ability to generate leads, culture and support.

Planners are most likely to leave if they feel their dealer group poorly supports their client-facing time, the Rules of Attraction 2007 report found.

Two in three advisers said support - not remuneration - was the main trigger behind them leaving or joining a dealer group.

GFP, part of the Suncorp Group, has 150 advisers and around 130,000 clients.