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Helmich granted FPA life membership

By Vishal Teckchandani
4 minute read

FPA grants life membership, distinguished service and paraplanner awards.

The FPA board has granted life membership to AMP director of financial planning Steve Helmich for his service to the industry.

Helmich said he was humbled by the honour.

"It is all part of the journey to lift financial planning in Australia. People get involved with the FPA because they have the view that financial planners have a play in creating a better Australia," Helmich said.

Four FPA members won distinguished service awards, which were announced at the association's national conference on Friday.


AMP financial planner Max Bourne, Future Plus business relationship manager Lin Burgess, Roan Financial compliance and system coordinator Toni Roan and Rise Financial director Phillip Thompson were also honoured.

The national paraplanner of the year award went to Mercer Wealth Solutions' Martin Letch, who was also the South Australian state winner.

Other state paraplanner awards went to: Pinnacle Planners' Tim Wortlehock from Western Australia, Mercer Wealth Solutions' Jessica Cruickshanks from Queensland, Piccadilly Financials' Simone Burton from New South Wales and Arthur Baars from Victoria, who was most recently at National Australia Bank.

"Paraplanners play a vital role behind the scenes, assisting financial planning professionals deliver the best outcomes for their clients," newly appointed FPA chair Julie Berry said.

"They deserve public recognition for their hard work."