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Super payments in sight for Ansett Workers

3 minute read

In the coming weeks, 11,000 ex-Ansett employees will receive distribution statements regarding their super payments.

Former employees of defunct airline Ansett Australia will receive notification of the distribution amount they are likely to receive in superannuation in the next six to eight weeks, the federal government has said.

In a statement from Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Superannuation, Bill Shorten, the 10 year long wait for members of the Ansett Residual Superannuation Fund to gain access to their super monies is moving to a close.

"The statement, from trustees Mercer Investment Nominees Limited, will provide clarity to members by giving them an indication of the distribution amount they are likely to receive and inform them about the winding-up process and the timing of this process," Shorten said.

"At 1 July 2010 there was $17.5 million in the Fund, which I am advised has remained invested on behalf of members and has achieved a positive return since then to date. The latest value of the fund's assets, after remaining member disablement claims and all costs are met, will be distributed to the 11,000 members."


Shorten said he expects Mercer Investment Nominees will keep members and the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority, informed throughout the wind-up process.

The Ansett Residual Superannuation Fund was established in 2004 by the former trustees of the Ansett Australia Ground Staff Superannuation Plan and the former airline's Flight Attendants Superannuation Plan to pay outstanding death and disablement claims before distributing the remaining assets to members.

Members seeking further information should contact the Ansett Residual Superannuation Fund Helpline on 1800 815 903.