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MLC boosts MasterKey platform

2 minute read

Enhancements include investment options, transaction processing and reporting.

MLC has made improvements to its MasterKey platform that have enhanced the reporting capability, the transaction processing component, and the investment options incorporated in the offering.

"These enhancements form part of an ongoing development program for MLC MasterKey and follow a number of recent improvements to the platform," MLC general manager of MasterKey Dean Thomas said.

"We are delighted to be able to make these changes to not only add to the online experience but also broaden the MLC MasterKey offer," he added.

Advisers using the platform now have access to an external assets report that can now include investments in direct shares and managed funds that are not offered by MLC. This capability will give financial planners the ability to supply their clients with a report that represents a more complete picture of the portfolio in question.

The transactions functionality has been enhanced to include Regular Switch, a feature that allows advisers to automatically change a client's investment option strategy on a monthly or quarterly basis over a five-year period.

In addition, pension information can now be updated and clients can view any correspondence from 2008 onwards and access annual and quarterly tax and PAYG statements in soft or hard copy.

Investment choices have also been broadened on MasterKey with the inclusion of NAB term deposits on the Super and Pension Fundamentals menus.

Advisers will also be able to make easier comparisons to competitor's products and industry benchmarks like the Reserve Bank of Australia's cash target rate as a result of improvements made to the cash fund on the platform.

"We listened to feedback and have delivered changes to increase the functionality of MasterKey's online portal," Thomas said.