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Trio inquiry report delayed

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The committee responsible for examining the collapse of Trio Capital has yet again delayed releasing its findings.

The findings of a parliamentary inquiry into the collapse of fund manager Trio Capital (Trio) have been delayed for a third time.

The chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee (PJC) on Corporations and Financial Services, Deborah O'Neill, said the committee had extended the reporting deadline to government by one week.

The decision to extend the deadline to 16 May 2012 from 9 May stems from the committee's need to allow enough time for a number of organisations to respond to "a number of questions on notice".

"The questions relate to fundamental matters about these organisations' role in investigating the Trio Capital collapse, and measures they will put in place to prevent a repeat of Trio," O'Neill said in a statement.

Last week, the PJC held its seventh and final public hearing into Trio and heard evidence from the Companies, Auditors and Liquidators Disciplinary Board, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, the Australian Crime Commission and the Australian Federal Police.

The committee put a number of questions on notice for the organisations to respond. The questions relate to fundamental matters about these organisations' role in investigating the Trio collapse, and measures they will put in place to prevent a repeat of Trio, the statement said.

"The Trio collapse is one of the most significant and serious fraud cases in Australian superannuation history," O'Neill said.

"Superannuation whether in an APRA regulated fund or a self managed superannuation fund, is one of the biggest investments most people make in their lives.

"Investors must have the confidence that regulation is in place that prevents this sort of activity happening again."

The change to the reporting deadline marks the third time the PJC has delayed the release of its Trio inquiry findings.

Late last year, the PJC announced it would not release its final report as promised on 24 November 2011 but would instead extend its reporting date until 9 May 2012.