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Masterfunds climb $63bn in 12 months to March

By Chris Kennedy
3 minute read

Platforms, wraps and master trusts recorded a $62.8 billion rise in funds under management (FUM) in the 12 months to March 2013, according to Plan For Life data.

The biggest growth was seen in the wrap space, accounting for just over a third of the total $495.5 billion in FUM, growing 22.2 per cent to $178.1 billion.

The March quarter alone was responsible for $23.9 billion of the growth, or more than a third of the annual increase. However, much of this is being undone by a volatile June quarter, Plan For Life stated.

Total masterfund inflows of $120.0 billion represented an 8.4 per cent increase on the prior 12-month period, which saw $110.9 in inflows, while outflows were also up from $101.0 billion to $105.9 billion.


All the major providers reported increases in their masterfund business, with AMP, CBA/CFS, IOOF, BT, Macquarie and NAB/MLC all reporting strong performances.

Wraps saw $11.1 billion in positive net flows, while net flows in platforms were marginal at just $0.3 billion. Despite this, platforms finished the year to March up 10.5 per cent at $242.4 billion on the back of strong market performance.

Master trusts accounted for $75.1 billion of FUM or 15.1 per cent of the market, and were up 10.9 per cent.

While annual inflows dropped 7.0 per cent to $14.8 billion (12.3 per cent), corresponding outflows increased 6.2 per cent to $11.8 billion, meaning master trust net flows were just $2.9 billion.

In terms of overall administrator view, BT remained a clear leader with just over $100 billion in FUM and 20.3 per cent of the market, followed by AMP, which increased its market share from 16.7 per cent in March 2012 to 18.2 per cent of $90.2 billion in FUM.

NAB/MLC (17.4 per cent, $86.2 billion) and CBA/CFS (14.5 per cent, $71.8 billion) were steady in third and fourth respectively.