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AustralianSuper deflects focus from glowing returns

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The $62 billion industry fund AustralianSuper has announced an annual return of 15.63 per cent for its default investment option, while urging a tempered view of the booming returns.

But while the announcement trumpeted the result as “the fourth year the option has returned a positive result”, AustralianSuper chief investment officer Mark Delaney urged investors “not to focus too much on one-year numbers”.

“For most people, super is a long-term investment that needs a sensible long-term strategy, and part of that is accepting that returns will go up and down from year to year," he said.

InvestorDaily reported research by Chant West earlier this week, which found the median fund returned investors 15.5 per cent in the 2012/2013 financial year.


The result was the second highest return in 16 years, according to Chant West.

The ASX 300 returned 21.9 per cent in the same period.

The best performing investment option for AustralianSuper members was the International Sustainable Shares option, which returned 28.17 per cent in 2012/2013.

This was followed by the International Shares option (23.83 per cent), the Australian Sustainable Shares option (23.43 per cent) and the Australian Shares option (21.66 per cent).