Mr Abbott outlined the Coalition’s plans for small business, including granting the sector representation on regulatory boards.
“It’s not enough to just support small business,” Mr Abbott told delegates. “I announce today that in addition to having a dedicated Small Business Minister, we will ensure that people on the [Australian Competition and Consumer Commission], people on the Board of Taxation and the people on Fair Work Commission will all have small business experience.”
In a statement, Mr Abbott added that “small business representation will provide perspective into the practical day-to-day issues that Australian small businesses face every day”.
The announcement comes after a keynote speech by parliamentary secretary for small business Bernie Ripoll launching a discussion paper for the Prompt Payment Protocol.
The paper aims to determine how to target business-to-business late payments that cause cash flow problems, following research by Dun & Bradstreet that found the average business takes more than 50 days to pay commercial trade bills.
Other speakers brought light to other concerns facing small business owners including specific challenges that women in small business face.
“It’s harder for women in business because they traditionally also take on the caring roles, not only of their children but their ageing parents,” sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick said.
“To help encourage the almost 700,000 women business owners in Australia, we need to ensure they get access to technology, they are part of supply chains and open up markets for women here and overseas.”