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Group premiums drive risk market surge

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Total risk market inflows jumped 11.0 per cent over the year to June from $10.9 billion to $12.1 billion, with the group risk market showing the biggest increase, according to Plan For Life data.

TAL saw the largest percentage growth in all three categories: group risk premiums, individual risk lump sum premiums and individual risk income premiums.

AIA remained the largest provider in the group sector, which saw overall growth in inflows of 14.4 per cent to $4.2 billion.

AIA’s 11.9 per cent growth pushed it just to the $1 billion mark to maintain its top spot with 23.8 per cent market share, while TAL in second place was the biggest mover, growing inflows by 26.9 per cent to $917 million and 21.8 market share.


CommInsure (up 7.1 per cent to $563 million) retained third place, while strong growth at OnePath (up 12.9 per cent to $381 million) saw it creep past AMP (up 1.3 per cent to $380 million) to become fourth largest group risk provider by inflows.

AMP however held on to top spot in individual risk lump sum premiums (up 5.9 per cent to $985 million) and individual risk income premiums (up 3.1 per cent to $410 million).

NAB/MLC retained second spot in both individual risk lump sum premiums (up 4.4 per cent to $844 million) and individual risk income premiums (up 0.1 per cent to $387 million).

TAL was the biggest mover in both categories from a lower base, up 10.0 per cent to $596 million in individual risk lump sum premium inflows and up 17.4 per cent to $209 million in individual risk income premium to be the fifth largest provider in both categories, still behind CommInsure and OnePath.