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ASX to deliver investment education to AIOFP

By James Mitchell
3 minute read

The ASX will continue to deliver investment education to the Association of Independently Owned Financial Professionals (AIOFP) members and advisers at a series of presentations across the country.

ASX head of retail Ian Irvine has chaired the past seven sessions at AIOFP conferences and actively supports independent advisers through investment education. 

“We have involved some of the listed entities on the exchange, investment companies and some of the products of the traders such as the [exchange traded funds (ETFs)],” Mr Irvine told InvestorDaily

“Representatives from those organisations have worked with us in conjunction with some of the guys from the fund providers to talk through portfolio construction and asset allocation,” he said.


While the ASX does not discuss strategy as such, it does allow its representatives from those participating entities to talk about their structure, what they believe their strengths and opportunities are, and generally covering off the features, benefits and risks. 

“This is really about education,” Mr Irvine said. “It is not about providing strategies or pushing product; it is about a range of products that may help clients if they want to invest through the ASX.”

Past conferences have focused on educating advisers on listed investment companies, ETFs and ASX-listed companies and how they can work in conjunction with a managed fund. 

“The next level is to actually work through those licensee group PD days on an arranged schedule basis so that these guys can actually talk directly to their clients about investment options.”

The session is expected to be 120 minutes and delivered in each state over consecutive days. Large members will receive tailored sessions while a general session will inform the advisers of smaller members.