The announcement on the ASX yesterday came after TRU shareholders approved the scheme 78 per cent to 22 per cent last Thursday.
The court orders will be lodged with ASIC on 4 December, at which time the scheme will become legally effective.
The scheme will be implemented on 18 December, with the payment of the scheme consideration and special dividend and issue of new Perpetual shares.
Perpetual chief executive Geoff Lloyd welcomed the court decision as another “milestone” in his company’s acquisition of TRU.
“The deal will deliver greater scale and capabilities across each of Perpetual’s three business units benefiting shareholders and clients of both companies,” he said,
“We are progressing well with detailed plans for integration and we are confident in successfully combining the two businesses leveraging experience from both companies,” said Mr Lloyd.
As of today, both Mr Lloyd and Perpetual chief financial officer Gillian Larkins are members of the TRU board.