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William Blair launches three unit trusts

3 minute read

Chicago-based asset manager William Blair Investment Management has launched three unit trusts to Australian institutional and wholesale investors.

 The Global Leaders Equity Fund, the Emerging Market Leaders Equity Fund and the Dynamic Diversified Allocation Fund offer Australian investors access to global equities, emerging markets and dynamic asset allocation strategies. 

William Blair global head of distribution Dan Charles said the Trusts are managed with a “quality growth, bottom-up investment style”. 

“We look for certain characteristics - the fundamental aspects of an organisation or a company that will give long-term consistent quality growth,” said Mr Charles. 


“We only use benchmarks as a reference guide, never as a guiding principle for how we invest.”

William Blair head of Australian and New Zealand institutional distribution Alex Francois said investors need greater exposure to “global political themes”. 

“We look at the macroeconomic viewpoints of these themes and implement them within a portfolio that provides a total return,” said Mr Francois.

“Emerging markets also continue to be an area that in the medium to long term will have to feature in most people’s investment horizon and will be able to via our trusts.”