Speaking to InvestorDaily, Maxim co-founder Winston Sammut said while his company's performance has been "very sound", Maxim needs a "corporate balance sheet behind it" as well as Folkestone's marketing and distribution capabilities.
Maxim also specialises in high yield real estate debt, according to a statement by Folkestone.
"Maxim manages the Maxim Property Securities Fund, which invests in Australian listed real estate securities, and the Maxim Income Fund, which provides finance at the senior-subordinated level to non-bank commercial real estate lending platforms," said the statement.
Folkestone managing director Greg Paramor said Maxim complements "Folkestone's existing real estate funds management platform that currently offers listed REITs and unlisted income and development funds".
"Folkestone is committed to providing real estate wealth solutions to private clients and select institutions, and Maxim allows us to broaden our platform of real estate investment opportunities for our clients," said Mr Paramor.
"The continued growth of superannuation will generate additional demand for real estate, including listed real estate securities funds and real estate debt funds," he said.