The FTSE Global R/QFII Index Series can be weighted by the aggregate approved Qualified Foreign Investor (QFII)/ Renminbi Qualified Foreign Investor (RQFII) quota or weighted by free float/foreign ownership restrictions, or have no quota restriction.
FTSE said investors can also customise the indices based on their own QFII/RQFII allocation.
Investors who do not want to include A-shares in their global benchmarks can, however, continue to use the FTSE Global Equity Index Series, which will remain unchanged.
FTSE chief executive Mark Makepeace said the launch of the FTSE Global R/QFII Index Series will provide customers with the flexibility to decide when and how to include China A-shares in their global benchmarks, without making it a requirement.
“We feel that this is an important step in an evolving process and FTSE will continue to monitor developments in the China market infrastructure, in line with our transparent Country Classification process,” said Mr Makepeace.