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$1 trillion in sight for retail/wholesale market

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Australian retail and wholesale funds under management/advice increased by 12.6 per cent to $983 billion in the 12 months to March 2014.

Research by DEXX&R found the $110 billion increase in FUM/A was driven mainly by positive investment returns and increased inflows into superannuation, retirement incomes and retail investment segments. 

During the March quarter, total retail and wholesale FUM/A increased 1.4 per cent or $13.9 billion, according to DEXX&R. 

Macquarie recorded 12.4 per cent rise in FUM/A in the 12 months to March 2014 from $61 billion to $68.5 billion, which includes Perpetual’s private wealth administration platform. 


CBA’s FUM/A increased 15.2 per cent to $129 billion, NAB saw a 15.1 per cent rise to $137 billion and Westpac recorded a 10.4 per cent increase to $121 billion. 

The DEXX&R research also showed an 11.1 per cent increase in total FUM/A and advice in employer superannuation.

It increased $12.2 billion in the 12 months to March 2014, from $110.5 billion to $122.8 billion. 

Westpac employer super saw the largest gains, with FUM/A growing 13.7 per cent or $2 billion to $16.4 billion at March 2014. 

This was followed by Mercer with a 15 per cent increase up to $14.4 billion. 

Personal superannuation FUM/A grew 9.8 per cent or $17.1 billion up to $192 billion, according to DEXX&R. 

FUM/A in the retirement incomes segment rose one per cent, or $1.3 billion, to $139 billion at March 2014. 

CBA saw the biggest increase in this segment with a 21.1 per cent rise from $29 billion to $35 billion. 

DEXX&R said the retail investment segment saw a 20.3 per cent, or $26 billion, increase in FUM/A to $154 billion at March 2014. 

During the March quarter there was a 1.4 per cent, or $2.1 billion, increase. 

Macquarie recorded the greatest growth in FUM/A in the 12 months to March 2014 with a $4.6 billion increase in FUM/A to $30.8 billion. 

CBA recorded the largest increase in FUM/A during the March quarter with an increase of $1.2 billion to $27 billion.