Speaking to InvestorDaily, MTAA chief executive Leeanne Turner said the new option would appeal to a "range of people" who are worried about the stability of their capital.
The option has a target income stream of the RBA cash rate plus two per cent.
While MTAA is currently in the process of reviewing its overall asset allocation, the income-focused option had 22.5 per cent invested in fixed interest via global credit as at February 2015.
Forty per cent of the asset allocation is in equities, which is jointly managed by Capital Group via its World Dividend Growers Fund and State Street Global Advisors via its Australian Managed Volatility Alpha pooled fund, Ms Turner said.
Fifteen per cent of the portfolio is in cash, she said – while the option also invests in infrastructure, property and alternative credit assets.
"Importantly, the option favours shorter-dated debt to help deliver capital stability. The exposure to growth assets also gives investors the opportunity to grow their capital," Ms Turner said.
The fund has no exposure to private equity, she added.
"The product fills a gap in the marketplace, with few superannuation funds currently offering investment options designed to deliver capital stability and manage investment volatility," Ms Turner said.
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