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Currency and global equities drive AusSuper returns

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AustralianSuper's balanced investment option returned 10.86 per cent to investors in the 2014-15 financial year after taxes and fees.

The $90 billion industry fund delivered a 10.86 return to investors for the year to 30 June 2015, thanks to "strong returns from currency and global equity markets".

The fund also credited the "growing success" of the AustralianSuper's diversification into unlisted property and infrastructure assets.

"Over 10 years the option has returned an average of 7.3 per cent each year, well ahead of the average superannuation fund’s balanced option and above the fund’s long-term objective of CPI plus four per cent," said a statement by the fund.


AustralianSuper chief executive and chief investment officer Mark Delaney said the result demonstrated the benefits of the fund's "increased focus on active and internal management of assets".

"Superannuation is, however, a long-term investment and members must be mindful of year-to-year fluctuations and remain focused on the long-term performance," Mr Delaney said.

"The path to global economic recovery remains uneven, highlighting the reason for members to maintain a long-term focus."